Something gripped me today when I did my meditation and Ganesha mantra-chanting - fear.
As you can imagine, it's a bit of an unusual sensation to have when meditating, but it happened because as I was chanting the Ganesha mantra, near the end of 108 repetitions I suddenly heard this loud, deep "OM" outside my window. It seemed loud enough to shake the room!
I kept on chanting, even past 108 repetitions, as I seemed to become fearful and anxious after hearing the loud "OM." I was hoping the chanting would calm me down, and it did. But still, hearing this sound as I was chanting...I don't know what to make of it. What happened, exactly? Was this supposed to be something positive? A negative omen? Just some random sound I heard that I'm just mistaking for something supernatural? I have no idea...
Meditation is supposed to be a positive experience, this I know. I still have positive experiences with meditation every time. That's why this is so unusual. I know I've been doing good things lately, such as my writing about the local community, which I can post links if desired. So why do I feel fearful with this?
If anyone knows what this could mean, please tell me.