Hello World. It is probably the most cliche phrase that has ever come out of the Information Age.
Yet it is something that I feel like saying now more than ever.
As far as how I got to this point, well, that is a topic for another post...this being an introductory post, it won't say much other than my intentions for this blog.
Light Club is a blog that I started on the suggestion of a friend, one who has grown dear to me in a short time. The title is a modification of a line from the 1990's movie Fight Club. The line from the movie in question that I'm modifying is:
"The first rule about Fight Club is you don't talk about Fight Club."
I'm no pit-fighter. The closest I'll ever get to being in an actual fight, barring someone mugging me, is if I buy tickets for a seat at a WWE or UFC event. And the extent of my martial arts training is a little Aikido I took during my college years that I've probably forgotten by now. But with my newfound spirituality, I feel like I'm ready to take on the world, metaphorically that is. Doing the best I can in this world is my new fight, and it's one I intend on winning.
Unlike the characters of the movie of Fight Club, though, this fight of mine is not something I am going to keep to myself. I intend to broadcast it to the world, and you're more than welcome to read along as I document my journeys.
This blog is going to be of a spiritual nature. It is going to document the progress I've made along my spiritual path. As such, the reflections that I post here, while they are certainly public and can be commented on, do not necessarily reflect the opinions of anyone else, nor am I saying what works for me spiritually will work for you. This isn't a blog to proselytize, or preach. Rather, I am sharing my experiences, and through the comments section, am more than willing to receive advice.
So that is Light Club in a nutshell. Welcome to Light Club. If this is your first time, you have to read. ;)
I am awed by your sharings and pray for a rewarding spiritual journey. *hugs*